The P2 theme, which is the default theme for group blogs, was updated. I also set ‘Blog Post’ to be the default option in P2 when posting from the front page editor. […]
Tag: update
myblog.arts screencasts updated
Many thanks to Peter, who added some voice-over to some of our short myblog.arts screencasts, which are accessible via the Help Tab. The screencasts give a quick introduction to common tasks in myblog.arts, and are worth a look for those new to blogging with WordPress. […]
Members’ Profile and Activity Pages
When viewing information about myblog.arts members, the members’ Profile and Activity pages are now visible only to logged-in myblog.arts users. In the new year we will introduce an option to make these pages private. Previously they were public by default (though links to private blog posts on those pages did not work except for users […]
Updates to Group Blogs
It’s now possible to choose the name and url of your group blog when creating it. You can also ‘uncouple’ the blog from your group – and hook it up to a different or new one if you wish. A bug was fixed where existing group members weren’t added to a newly created group blog. […]
@mentions are back again
If you are a Twitter fan, you will be familiar with referencing other Twitter users using @username tags. This feature exists in myblog.arts too – I’ve just re-enabled it after making a few tweaks. For the moment it only works in updates you make in your profile pages, or in discussion forums. (This is a […]
Updates to member page urls and ‘mention’ names
I’ve just made some changes so that the urls of member pages now use users’ first names and last names joined together, instead of their login username. This was because for students, the username is the student ID, and we don’t want to display that next to the user’s real name. So while your profile […]
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Updates to myblog.arts
A new round of updates has just been made to the myblog.arts service, including: Service updated to the most recent WordPress software. Your Dashboard will look slightly different. A full-screen edit mode is now available when creating posts and pages. Various bugfixes and improvements in the background. Service updated to the most recent Buddypress software. […]
Password protected posts
Added a fix so that these don’t show up on the front page, in the ‘Recent’ section, or their images in the recent thumbnails. […]
Google Maps offline… EDIT: working again.
Oops. The Google Maps plugin will need a few tweaks before it works properly for everyone. I’ll fix it and put it back up again some time today. EDIT: should be working OK now. […]
Google Maps and Twitter Feeds
A couple of new features are now available on myblog.arts. Google Maps There’s a new button to insert a Google Map into your post. See below: Click on the ‘G’ button when creating a new post. A window will open with options to do a search for your map location (use the ‘Center Point’ box). […]