Twitter widgets

Twitter has changed the way that Twitter feeds can be accessed from external sites (like this one), with the result that the Twitter widget is no longer working here at myblog.arts, and has been disabled. We will look at alternatives and hope to provide a new widget soon. EDIT: a previous solution posted here was […]

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Avatars in myblog.arts

Some of the user and group avatars were unavailable recently – they should be visible now. Please refresh your browser if you are not seeing the avatars displaying. If you don’t have an avatar, please upload one, either here, in your profile settings (see right hand menu in the admin bar at the top of […]

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‘Garbage Collection’ emails

If you received some emails from the blogs service recently about Garbage Collection, please ignore them. They were sent in error to users instead of the site administrator. Garbage Collection refers here to removal of temporary versions of web pages which are created to speed up site browsing. Apologies for the confusion! […]

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myblog.arts update issues

In a small number of cases, since the last update to the blog service, links to some blog pages may be broken. To fix this please log into your blog’s Dashboard, go to Settings -> Permalinks and click on ‘Save Changes’. You don’t need to change the Permalinks settings, just click Save Changes. This should […]

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myblog.arts update, 4th Feb 2013

myblog.arts was updated this morning to the most recent versions of WordPress and Buddypress. Various plugins and themes were also updated. Here are some of the benefits of the update: New default theme, ‘Twenty Twelve’, which works well on mobile devices and on the desktop. New customisation options for themes, including choosing arbitrary header image […]

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Site maintenance notes

The front page of myblog.arts was unavailable on the morning of Sunday 20th January. Apologies to those who tried to access the site at that time. We are taking steps to try to prevent a repeat of this issue. Individual users’ blogs were not affected. As a side note, all user data on myblog.arts is […]

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myblog.arts community growing

We have been quiet here in the news section over the summer, as we have been busy working away behind the scenes. There have been some recent updates to myblog.arts which I will post about soon. In the meantime, the myblog.arts community has grown bigger than ever. We have had many many users signing up […]

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Updates to member page urls and ‘mention’ names

I’ve just made some changes so that the urls of member pages now use users’ first names and last names joined together, instead of their login username. This was because for students, the username is the student ID, and we don’t want to display that next to the user’s real name. So while your profile […]

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Updates to myblog.arts

A new round of updates has just been made to the myblog.arts service, including: Service updated to the most recent WordPress software. Your Dashboard will look slightly different. A full-screen edit mode is now available when creating posts and pages. Various bugfixes and improvements in the background. Service updated to the most recent Buddypress software. […]

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