I updated the Terms and Conditions page today to clarify the situation with the long-term availability of blogs created on myblog.arts. See the section title ‘Blog and User Lifecycles’. Unfortunately we have to prune old content in order to keep the system at a manageable size. However, there is the facility to export your blog […]
Category: Support
myblog.arts maintenance notices
myblog.arts was offline on the evening of Monday 24th November. This was due to scheduled server maintenance which started at 8pm. Unfortunately the period of maintenance was much longer than anticipated, and the service did not come back up until around midnight. We are in discussions with the IT department about providing placeholder messages on […]
Unfortunately myblog.arts has been offline for short periods twice recently. We are doing work behind the scenes to address this, and will post an update soon. In the meantime, thanks for your patience. – myblog.arts team […]
Adding users to your blog more easily
It’s now a little bit easier to add other myblog.arts users to your blog, should you wish them to be co-contributors. In your Dashboard, click on Users -> All Users, then on the ‘Add Existing’ button. If you start typing in the box, suggestions of usernames will appear automatically. You can create a whole list […]
myblog.arts screencasts updated
Many thanks to Peter, who added some voice-over to some of our short myblog.arts screencasts, which are accessible via the Help Tab. The screencasts give a quick introduction to common tasks in myblog.arts, and are worth a look for those new to blogging with WordPress. […]
Where’s my blog?
We have had quite a few people who have signed up for an account here at myblog.arts, but missed the step of creating a personal blog. They are then confused to find that they can’t make blog posts. I’ve updated the Frequently Asked Questions on the Help page to explain how to create a personal […]
Please update your avatar (profile picture)!
Please create a profile picture, also known as an avatar, when you create a myblog.arts account. To upload an image, please go to My Account -> Profile -> Change Avatar. The image will then appear next to your posts on the front page of myblog.arts. Alternatively, you can go to Gravatar.com and upload an image […]
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myblog.arts text editor issue
There was a recent issue with the text editor in the blog showing HTML tags (e.g. <p>) and not offering the choice to switch between ‘Visual’ and ‘HTML’ views. This seems to have been resolved, but if you come across this problem please contact elearning-support@arts.ac.uk […]
Problem with access to myblog.arts
There was a recent issue with access to the myblog.arts website. This was due to privacy settings being altered on the main site in error. All users’ individual blogs were unaffected. Apologies for any inconvenience. […]
New myblog.arts screencasts
We have some excellent new screencasts explaining how to use myblog.arts, courtesy of Lindsay Jordan. See the ‘Help’ tab or go straight to this page: http://myblog.arts.ac.uk/quick-start-videos Thanks Lindsay! […]