An upgrade of this site will take place on the afternoon of Thursday 23rd of June 2011, from around 1pm. The service will be unavailable for some hours while the work takes place. Thanks for your patience! I’m pleased to say that we’re moving the myblog.arts service to a bigger and better web server. This […]
Category: Announcement
Tell us what you think of myblog.arts!
Please fill out the questionnaire about myblog.arts! We need your feedback if we are to improve the service. You can have a say in how to make it better. The surveys are just for staff and students who are already using myblog.arts. They’re quick to fill out and you might even have fun! 🙂 Student […]
Enjoy your break – see you next year!
We are off now for the Christmas break – enjoy yourself, and see you back here on January 4th 2011! Best wishes, The myblog.arts team […]
Spam filter working again
The spam filter is working again. Hopefully you should have far fewer spam comments coming your way from now on. We will keep a close eye on this, and post any updates here on the News page. […]
Spam blocker blocked
Our spam blocker is currently not working, so you may find that you are getting lots of spam comments on your posts. Please mark them as SPAM, or ignore them. We will try to get the spam filter working again as soon as possible. […]
Spam comments
We’re getting quite a few spam comments coming through on various blog posts, in spite of the spam filter on myblog.arts. EDIT: The spam filter is currently blocked, and the spam comments are increasing in numbers. I am doing my best to get this fixed as soon as possible. EDIT: Latest news – the spam […]
Google Maps offline… EDIT: working again.
Oops. The Google Maps plugin will need a few tweaks before it works properly for everyone. I’ll fix it and put it back up again some time today. EDIT: should be working OK now. […]
Site offline – morning of 10th November
The myblog.arts site will be offline between 8am and 9am on Wednesday the 10th of November, due to maintenance work on the web server. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. […]
Copyright – Important Information
The most important information first: It’s not legal to post other peoples’ copyrighted images (or other copyrighted material) on your blog. You are strongly encouraged to use images you have created yourself, or those licensed with a Creative Commons license. If you really want to post a copyrighted image, please seek permission from the author, […]