myblog.arts updated – 28th March 2012
editAs WordPress blog software development races forwards, so we update to keep in step. This means that we get the benefits of new features and fixes contributed by the wide community of WordPress and Buddypress users and programmers.
It also means that the blog features and interface change and evolve. In this update, the main change you will see is in the admin bar at the top of myblog.arts websites. The new admin bar adds some new functionality, allowing blog authors to add new posts and pages more easily, for example. The previous menu entry, ‘My Account’ has moved over to the right of the admin bar, and has changed its name. Now you should click on your name (when you’re logged in) to see a full list of account options. See the image on the left for an example.
The menu on your blog Dashboard will also look slightly different, but it functions in the same way as before.
As with all software updates, bugs may be introduced unintentionally. If you come across a problem, something that isn’t working, or if you get stuck using the site, please contact us at We’ll do our best to fix things as quickly as possible.
We’ll be making some less disruptive updates over the next few days too, including adding some new theme options.
We’ll also be gradually updating the help documentation to reflect the new changes to myblog.arts.
– the myblog.arts team
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