We have had quite a few people who have signed up for an account here at myblog.arts, but missed the step of creating a personal blog. They are then confused to find that they can’t make blog posts.
I’ve updated the Frequently Asked Questions on the Help page to explain how to create a personal blog.
Here’s the relevant part:
I’ve made my blog, but now I can’t find it! Help!
The ‘menu bar’ at the top of the page, is your friend. It’s always there, on every page, and gives you an easy way to navigate the site.
Click on ‘My Blogs’ to seeĀ a link to your blog’s home page. The other links in the menu bar should be self-explanatory. Click on them to see what they do.
IMPORTANT! If you don’t have a link to ‘My Blogs’, you haven’t created your own blog yet, you’ve just created an account! You will need to:
- Log out of myblog.arts
- Click on the ‘Sign up for an account‘ link on the front page of the site.
- Enter your UAL username and password, and a URL and title for your blog.
- Check the ‘Agree to the terms and conditions’ box.
- When you submit the page, you should be taken to a welcome page with further instructions.