Recently the UAL blogging platform ‘myblog.arts’ ( has experienced a steep growth in usage. This unfortunately highlighted an issue which caused the site to become unavailable on several occasions. Investigations have been ongoing to identify the reason for this and work has now taken place to address the identified issue. Currently myblog.arts is operating healthily […]
Category: Announcement
myblog.arts community growing
We have been quiet here in the news section over the summer, as we have been busy working away behind the scenes. There have been some recent updates to myblog.arts which I will post about soon. In the meantime, the myblog.arts community has grown bigger than ever. We have had many many users signing up […]
myblog.arts updated – 28th March 2012
As WordPress blog software development races forwards, so we update to keep in step. This means that we get the benefits of new features and fixes contributed by the wide community of WordPress and Buddypress users and programmers. It also means that the blog features and interface change and evolve. In this update, the main […]
Members’ Profile and Activity Pages
When viewing information about myblog.arts members, the members’ Profile and Activity pages are now visible only to logged-in myblog.arts users. In the new year we will introduce an option to make these pages private. Previously they were public by default (though links to private blog posts on those pages did not work except for users […]
More myblog.arts milestones
It’s been terrific to watch the rapid expansion of the myblog.arts service. We now have more than 2,000 members – and over the last month we have had more than 300,000 page views. Thanks to all those who have contributed their inspiring content. Has myblog.arts inspired you, or helped you to discover new networking opportunities? […]
1000+ members
myblog.arts goes from strength to strength. We recently had our 1000th member sign up for an account, and visits to the site have been at an all-time high this month. Congratulations to us! Image by andyp uk […]
Updates to member page urls and ‘mention’ names
I’ve just made some changes so that the urls of member pages now use users’ first names and last names joined together, instead of their login username. This was because for students, the username is the student ID, and we don’t want to display that next to the user’s real name. So while your profile […]
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myblog.arts text editor issue
There was a recent issue with the text editor in the blog showing HTML tags (e.g. <p>) and not offering the choice to switch between ‘Visual’ and ‘HTML’ views. This seems to have been resolved, but if you come across this problem please contact […]
Problem with access to myblog.arts
There was a recent issue with access to the myblog.arts website. This was due to privacy settings being altered on the main site in error. All users’ individual blogs were unaffected. Apologies for any inconvenience. […]
We’re Back
After some unanticipated problems with migrating to a new server, we are up and running again. Please let us know if you come across any problems: In particular, please check your blog for spam comments and mark them accordingly – the spam filter was deactivated at some points over the last few days. We […]