New myblog.arts feature – Bulk Add Users to a Blog from a Moodle Course


By admin September 23, 2013

Staff can now enrol all members of a Moodle course into a myblog.arts blog in one quick operation. If the users don’t have a myblog.arts account, one will be created for them and they will be enrolled onto the blog.

To access this feature, log into your blog and go to the Dashboard. Under the Users menu click on Bulk Add UAL Users. (This menu option should not be visible to students.)

Bulk Add UAL Users

On the next page, you can batch add users by course or by username.

Screen Shot 2013-09-23 at 17.08.48

To add by course, start typing your course name into the Course Name or ID box, and click on the result which matches your course.

Select Course

All the course members should be displayed. Select the ones you want to add, using the check boxes, choose a role for them, then click on Add Users by Course to add them to the blog. If the Skip Confirmation Email option is ticked, users will be added directly to myblog.arts and the current blog. Otherwise they will receive an email invitation to join myblog.arts, which if they accept, will create their account on myblog.arts and automatically add them to the current blog.

Course Members

To add users by username, use the form at the bottom of the page, Add Users by Username. Add one username per line. For staff, usernames are in the format jbloggs, where the email address is

For students, the username is in the format ABC12345678 (3 letters followed by 8 digits). Some older students may have usernames in the staff-style format.

Add users by username

Remember to set the Role as required. If the Skip Confirmation Email option is ticked, users will be added directly to the blog. Otherwise they will receive an email invitation to join myblog.arts, which if they accept, will create their account on myblog.arts and automatically add them to the current blog.

If you require support with this feature, or have any bugs to report, please contact



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