The issue with the university network connecting to Google-hosted services now seems to be resolved. This was a JANET-wide issue (JANET is the internet service for UK universities). This was affecting some myblog.arts sites – the pages were taking a long time to load, as they tried unsuccessfully to download fonts from Google, or connect […]
Tag: outage
Outage, Friday 2nd May – Wednesday 7th May
myblog.arts was offline over the weekend, along with various other UAL web-based services, due to a network fault in the university’s IT infrastructure. We apologize for the inconvenience. If we get any further updates on this issue from the IT department we will post them here. – myblog.arts team […]
myblog.arts outage – message from IT Services
As an update to the recent outage of myblog.arts and other UAL web services, Gareth Bedford of IT Services has shared the following message: On behalf of IT Services, I would like to sincerely apologise for last weeks’ disruptions after the power down at Elephant & Castle; it was really very frustrating and extremely disappointing […]
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Myblog.arts offline
Unfortunately the myblog.arts service was unavailable at times on the evening of Monday the 3rd of February, and the morning of Tuesday the 4th Feb. We are taking the issue of inconsistent availability of the blogs service very seriously, and are implementing a number of measures to improve the robustness of the service. We will […]
myblog.arts outages
myblog.arts was unavailable this morning for approximately one hour. This was one in a series of recent occasional outages. We are working towards building a more reliable service and hope to implement changes to the hosting arrangments for myblog.arts soon. News about updates will be posted here and on the CLTAD twitter feed. Please note, […]
Down-time last weekend
Unfortunately the myblog.arts service was unavailable over the weekend of the 31st August. We are investigating the causes of this. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. – myblog.arts team […]
Unfortunately myblog.arts has been offline for short periods twice recently. We are doing work behind the scenes to address this, and will post an update soon. In the meantime, thanks for your patience. – myblog.arts team […]