myblog.arts was updated on 14th July 2015 to use the latest version of WordPress. Here are a couple of short videos giving an overview of some of the new features since version 4: You should now be able to preview videos and image slideshows directly in the post and page editor, […]
Tag: announcement
myblog.arts maintenance – 14th July 2015
myblog.arts will be offline on 14th July 2015 at 11am, for approximately one hour, while an update is applied to the WordPress software. This update brings the latest WordPress features and some important security fixes to the platform. Apologies in advance for any inconvenience caused. […]
Intermittent access to myblog.arts
The myblog.arts service has been unavailable intermittently over the last few days. We are looking to introduce updates to the service’s hosting infrastructure soon, to address this issue. In the meantime we apologise for any inconvenience caused. myblog.arts team […]
myblog.arts updated
myblog.arts was updated to the most recent version of WordPress, 3.9.1, this morning. Changes and new features are summarised on this page: Here’s a short video overview of the new features: Please report any issues you’re experiencing after the upgrade to […]
myblog.arts outage – message from IT Services
As an update to the recent outage of myblog.arts and other UAL web services, Gareth Bedford of IT Services has shared the following message: On behalf of IT Services, I would like to sincerely apologise for last weeks’ disruptions after the power down at Elephant & Castle; it was really very frustrating and extremely disappointing […]
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myblog.arts update, Jan 30th 2014
Myblog.arts was updated this morning to the latest version of WordPress. The interface will look slightly different but the functionality is mostly identical to before, with some improvements. You will see some changes when browsing themes or your media library. Blog forums Every blog can now have its own discussion forum. (Previously only groups had […]
Thursday 30th Jan, 10am – myblog.arts site update
myblog.arts will be offline for approximately one hour from 10am on Thursday 30th January, while the latest WordPress updates are applied to the site. Apologies for any inconvenience. Please notify colleagues if you think they may be affected. – myblog.arts team […]
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Scheduled Maintenance – Tuesday 14th January
Service offline for maintenance The myblog.arts service is scheduled to be offline at times on Tuesday 14th January while essential maintenance is carried out on the service. Please notify any colleagues who use the myblog.arts service and may be affected. Thank you for your understanding. – myblog.arts team […]
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Myblog.arts updated
Myblog.arts was updated today at 16:45, with WordPress being updated to version 3.6.1, and Buddypress to 1.8.1. This update introduces the new WordPress theme TwentyThirteen, as well as many fixes and some new features, listed here: Many of the themes also received updates. If you experience any problems with the myblog.arts platform, or particular […]
Down-time last weekend
Unfortunately the myblog.arts service was unavailable over the weekend of the 31st August. We are investigating the causes of this. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. – myblog.arts team […]