myblog.arts was updated to the most recent version of WordPress, 3.9.1, this morning. Changes and new features are summarised on this page: Here’s a short video overview of the new features: Please report any issues you’re experiencing after the upgrade to […]
Category: Site updates
myblog.arts update
The myblog service will be offline for approximately 1 hour from 11am on Tuesday 27th May 2014, while we update WordPress to the latest version. This helps keep our blogs secure and gives us the benefits of the latest features and improvements to the software. Thanks for your understanding. – myblog.arts team […]
New themes and forum fix
A couple of new themes have been added to myblog.arts recently, Cell and Proxima. Cell is a portfolio theme, while Proxima is a magazine-type theme. As always however it is possible to use them for other purposes or to customise them to meet your ends. Since we moved to a new forum system, the menus […]
Skillshare – find project collaborators
Skillshare is a directory of UAL students and staff with skills offered or wanted. You can find Skillshare listings (and add your own) at the university’s versatile eportfolio site, workflow. Now links to the latest skillshare postings are shown on the front page of myblog.arts. The listings are updated hourly. Skillshare was designed to help […]
myblog.arts outage – Friday 14th – Wednesday 19th March
myblog.arts was offline from 5pm on Friday 14th March until 11:50am on Wednesday 19th March. IT Services have informed us that this was due to a hardware failure after electrical works were carried out at Elephant and Castle. The fault affected web services hosted at that site. We will post further updates about the issue, […]
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Captcha Codes for logged-out users
Logged-out myblog.arts users are now required to enter Captcha Codes when posting comments. This is to prevent our blogs being deluged with automated spam comments, which clog up our database and slow down the system. The user making a comment is required to type in the letters and numbers displayed in the image. This ensures […]
myblog.arts update, Jan 30th 2014
Myblog.arts was updated this morning to the latest version of WordPress. The interface will look slightly different but the functionality is mostly identical to before, with some improvements. You will see some changes when browsing themes or your media library. Blog forums Every blog can now have its own discussion forum. (Previously only groups had […]
Thursday 30th Jan, 10am – myblog.arts site update
myblog.arts will be offline for approximately one hour from 10am on Thursday 30th January, while the latest WordPress updates are applied to the site. Apologies for any inconvenience. Please notify colleagues if you think they may be affected. – myblog.arts team […]
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myblog.arts maintenance – update
Updates were made to the web server hosting myblog.arts on Tuesday 14th January 2014. Thanks for your patience while the service has been offline. Please report any issues to – myblog.arts team […]