myblog.arts was offline on the evening of Monday 24th November. This was due to scheduled server maintenance which started at 8pm. Unfortunately the period of maintenance was much longer than anticipated, and the service did not come back up until around midnight. We are in discussions with the IT department about providing placeholder messages on […]
Category: Announcement
Intermittent access to myblog.arts
The myblog.arts service has been unavailable intermittently over the last few days. We are looking to introduce updates to the service’s hosting infrastructure soon, to address this issue. In the meantime we apologise for any inconvenience caused. myblog.arts team […]
myblog.arts updated
myblog.arts was updated to the most recent version of WordPress, 3.9.1, this morning. Changes and new features are summarised on this page: Here’s a short video overview of the new features: Please report any issues you’re experiencing after the upgrade to […]
myblog.arts update
The myblog service will be offline for approximately 1 hour from 11am on Tuesday 27th May 2014, while we update WordPress to the latest version. This helps keep our blogs secure and gives us the benefits of the latest features and improvements to the software. Thanks for your understanding. – myblog.arts team […]
Outage, Friday 2nd May – Wednesday 7th May
myblog.arts was offline over the weekend, along with various other UAL web-based services, due to a network fault in the university’s IT infrastructure. We apologize for the inconvenience. If we get any further updates on this issue from the IT department we will post them here. – myblog.arts team […]
myblog.arts outage – message from IT Services
As an update to the recent outage of myblog.arts and other UAL web services, Gareth Bedford of IT Services has shared the following message: On behalf of IT Services, I would like to sincerely apologise for last weeks’ disruptions after the power down at Elephant & Castle; it was really very frustrating and extremely disappointing […]
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myblog.arts offline, Fri 14th – Sat 15th March
Estates are carrying out electrical work at Elephant & Castle this Saturday which will result in a loss of all IT services. The data centre will be powered down at 1700 on Friday and it is expected that the power will be restored at 1200 on Saturday. It is estimated it will take a further […]
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Captcha Codes for logged-out users
Logged-out myblog.arts users are now required to enter Captcha Codes when posting comments. This is to prevent our blogs being deluged with automated spam comments, which clog up our database and slow down the system. The user making a comment is required to type in the letters and numbers displayed in the image. This ensures […]
Myblog.arts offline
Unfortunately the myblog.arts service was unavailable at times on the evening of Monday the 3rd of February, and the morning of Tuesday the 4th Feb. We are taking the issue of inconsistent availability of the blogs service very seriously, and are implementing a number of measures to improve the robustness of the service. We will […]
myblog.arts update, Jan 30th 2014
Myblog.arts was updated this morning to the latest version of WordPress. The interface will look slightly different but the functionality is mostly identical to before, with some improvements. You will see some changes when browsing themes or your media library. Blog forums Every blog can now have its own discussion forum. (Previously only groups had […]