Profile information and privacy – update

Your profile and activity information in myblog.arts is available only to logged-in users, by default. (You can choose to make the individual profile fields public if you wish.)
Some users have expressed concern that their profile page has shown up in Google searches, even after they have deleted their blogs. While the content on profile pages is not visible to logged-out users, unless users choose to make it so, I have taken the further step of requesting search engines not to index the profile, activity, group or forum pages in myblog.arts. This should reduce the number of Google results for these pages, though it may take some days or weeks for this change to register.

Please remember that your blog privacy settings are set in your blog Dashboard, under Settings -> Reading. Each blog has its own privacy settings. This is separate from your personal profile information, which is independent of any blogs you have set up.

Finally, if you have deleted your blog or blogs, and don’t wish your profile information to be available even to logged-in users, you can send a request to to have your myblog.arts user account removed completely.

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