myblog.arts community growing

We have been quiet here in the news section over the summer, as we have been busy working away behind the scenes. There have been some recent updates to myblog.arts which I will post about soon.
In the meantime, the myblog.arts community has grown bigger than ever. We have had many many users signing up for blogs at the start of the new term, and myblog.arts now has more than 3000 registered members. Over 2000 individual blogs have also been created, including the private ones which aren’t publicly visible. And of course the audience for the public content on the site is much much bigger than that. So it’s a good time to get on board and start blogging! What is particularly exciting is that site is developing into a really fascination combination of student and staff work – reflections on the learning process are right next to reflections on teaching and learning. It’s turning into a really useful resource for gaining insight into the perspectives of the different members of the UAL community.

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