Laps of time on Global market and changeling?

Saul Estrin "on the futur global business environnement and entrepreneurship"

This lecture have an obvious overview about globalization, argue about different topics from globalization causes and effects, future environmental evolve into growth of the economy, and new business innovations from entrepreneurship. When i heard his talk it seems like there's nothing new to make a reflection about, but i have been interest on the word "evolve" from the global effects and his near future 2050.

Globalization have potentially a good input to our modern lifestyle, nowadays we couldn't just being please of some deja vu, and technology help a lot on this development of the "more we do and more we want". As a vicious circle. Whiles during all theses centuries on which U.S been in term of world power and actives the "machine" of production to consumption and marketing, today it down on the reverse about the BRICs overtaking the G6 by 2050. Worst or better? That's my question, and how will it evolve? My main structure to that, would be to analyse the reverse due of a short lapse time of a big change. Entrepreneurship was based on which know how, the past science and technology discovery? Comparing to this near future which entrepreneurship gonna base they innovation from the today already made ideology and market?

Matthew Taylor: 21st Century enlightenment

This is where i found a small link in between Estrin economy and Taylor philosophy talks. He argues about important issues facing the world: as people humain nature to change! How civilization is and need strategies to change.Why not to change our being during this BRIC's movement? Progress, see through who we are potentially in real, human real happiness, freedom, morality, empathy of 21st century and much more to "green" onto a real free lifestyle. We are stuck onto today system process, however i'm optimist realizing that soon equality could give much better perspective lifestyle from this new global market.
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